

Roses bouquets Kotsyubynske

Delivery of bouquets of roses to Kotsyubynske. Visit the full catalog to view the entire range of rose bouquets.
11 white roses

11 white roses

Monobouquet of white roses. The bouquet includes: a white rose (11 pcs), tracing paper, ribbon.

1 039.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 cream roses

Bouquet of 11 cream roses

A bouquet of 11 cream roses. Composition: cream roses of the Peach Avalanche variety (11 pcs), tracing paper packaging in two colors, floral satin ribbon.

1 057.00 грн

11 red roses in calque

11 red roses in calque

A bouquet of 11 red roses in tracing paper. Composition: red Rhodes roses (11 pcs), light tracing paper, floral ribbon.

1 119.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 pink roses in a wrap

Bouquet of 11 pink roses in a wrap

Delicate bouquet of 11 pink roses in a package. Ingredients: pink roses Aqua (11 pcs), packing pink tracing paper, white floral ribbon.

1 124.00 грн



Beautiful cascading bouquet of red roses and decorative greenery. Ingredients: red rose Grand Prix (9 pcs), aspidistra (5 pcs), ruscus (7 pcs), tracing paper, floral ribbon.

1 275.00 грн

11 pink branch roses

11 pink branch roses

Monobouquet of pink roses. The composition of the bouquet: pink branch rose (11 branches), kraft, svorka.

1 369.00 грн

15 yellow roses with greens

15 yellow roses with greens

Bright bouquet of 15 yellow roses and decorative greenery in a package. The bouquet includes: yellow rose Ilios (15 pcs), decorative greenery pistachio (9 pcs), floral craft paper, yellow ribbon.

1 494.00 грн



Bouquet of white roses, collected in the form of a one-sided cascade and decorated in floral tracing paper. Ingredients: white Avalnch rose (15 pcs), light tracing paper, white floral ribbon.

1 510.00 грн

11 branches of crimson roses

11 branches of crimson roses

A round bouquet of crimson roses. Composition: Lady Bombastic crimson branch rose (11 branches), gray tracing paper packaging, ribbon.

1 570.00 грн

Bouquet of 19 red roses

Bouquet of 19 red roses

Bouquet of 19 red roses with a floral ribbon. Composition: red roses Grand Prix (19 pcs), red floral ribbon.

1 606.00 грн

Bouquet of 19 roses Miss Piggy in a wrap

Bouquet of 19 roses Miss Piggy in a wrap

Delicate bouquet of creamy pink roses. Composition: creamy pink roses of the Miss Piggy variety (19 pcs), translucent tracing paper packaging, peach-colored floral ribbon.

1 711.00 грн

15 white branch roses

15 white branch roses

Monobouquet of branch roses. The composition of the bouquet: white branched rose (15 branches), aspedistra (1 leaf), ribbon.

1 761.00 грн

19 pink roses

19 pink roses

Bright bouquet of 19 pink roses. Composition: Aqua roses (19 pieces), twine.

1 775.00 грн

19 Roses of Memory Lane

19 Roses of Memory Lane

Monobouquet of Memory Lane roses. The bouquet includes: 19 roses, tracing paper, ribbon.

1 776.00 грн

9 branches of Misty Bubbles

9 branches of Misty Bubbles

Monobouquet with peony-like pink branch rose Misty Bubbles (9 branches).

1 966.00 грн

17 cream branched roses

17 cream branched roses

Monobouquet of branch roses. The bouquet includes: cream branched Trinity rose (17 branches), tracing paper, ribbon.

2 059.00 грн

Bouquet of white roses in paper

Bouquet of white roses in paper

Bouquet of Ukrainian white roses, decorated in craft paper. Composition: white rose (15 pcs). Decoration: paper.

2 140.00 грн

19 branches of cream roses

19 branches of cream roses

Bouquet of 19 branches of cream branch rose. Ingredients: cream branch rose Cream Grace (19 branches), bergrass, packaging kraft paper, floral green ribbon.

2 342.00 грн

21 branches of white branch roses

21 branches of white branch roses

Monobouquet of white branched roses. The composition of the bouquet: branch rose white Snow Flake (21 branches), beige tracing paper, ribbon.

2 519.00 грн

27 red roses

27 red roses

A classic bouquet of 25 Ukrainian red roses. Composition of the bouquet: Grand Prix rose - 27 pcs. Decoration: floral tracing paper and satin ribbon. Rose height: 60 cm.

2 526.00 грн

Bouquet of 31 white rose

Bouquet of 31 white rose

Round bouquet of 31 white roses in craft. Composition: white Avalanche roses (31 pcs), kraft paper packaging, arachniodis (7 leaves), floral tape.

2 962.00 грн

35 red roses

35 red roses

Monobouquet of red roses. The bouquet includes: red Rhodes rose (35 pcs), tracing paper, ribbon.

3 368.00 грн

39 white and pink roses

39 white and pink roses

Bouquet of pink and white roses, decorated in kraft paper. Composition: pink-white roses Jumilia (39 pcs), green craft paper packaging, pink floral ribbon.

3 625.00 грн

Bouquet of red roses

Bouquet of red roses

Bouquet of 51 red roses. Design: floral tracing paper. Rose length: 60 cm.

4 504.00 грн

In Kotsyubynske for Courier delivery available 851 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 2 florists.

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