

Bouquets of pink roses Chabany

Delivery of bouquets of pink roses to Chabany. Catalog updated daily.
11 white and pink roses

11 white and pink roses

Monobouquet of white and pink roses. The bouquet includes: a white-pink Jumilia rose (11 pcs), a ribbon.

1 010.00 грн

15 white and pink roses

15 white and pink roses

Round bouquet of 15 white and pink roses tied with satin ribbon. Ingredients: white and pink roses Jumilia (15 pcs), pink floral ribbon.

1 360.00 грн

Bouquet of 19 white-pink roses

Bouquet of 19 white-pink roses

Bouquet of white and pink roses with floral ribbon. Ingredients: white-pink rose of the Jumilia variety (19 pieces), pink floral ribbon.

1 730.00 грн

Bouquet of 19 white-pink and white roses in a wrap

Bouquet of 19 white-pink and white roses in a wrap

Bouquet of white-pink roses wrapped with a floral ribbon. Composition: white-pink rose of Jumilia variety (19 pcs), packing white translucent tracing paper, pink floral ribbon.

1 815.00 грн

21 white and pink roses

21 white and pink roses

Cute bouquet of 21 white and pink roses with decorative greenery in a package. The bouquet includes: rose Jamilia (21 pcs.), Pistachio (5 pcs.), Ornamental foliage (1), floral pink tape and a pink wrap design.

2 175.00 грн

Bouquet of 35 roses

Bouquet of 35 roses

A voluminous bouquet of white-pink roses wrapped with a floral ribbon. Composition: white-pink rose of Jumilia variety (35 pcs), packing white translucent tracing paper, pink floral ribbon.

3 303.00 грн

39 white and pink roses

39 white and pink roses

Bouquet of pink and white roses, decorated in kraft paper. Composition: pink-white roses Jumilia (39 pcs), green craft paper packaging, pink floral ribbon.

3 625.00 грн

Bouquet of 55 roses

Bouquet of 55 roses

Delicate bouquet in white and pink tones. There are: white and pink roses of the Jamilia variety (55 pcs.), Pink floral ribbon.

4 970.00 грн

In Chabany for Courier delivery available 254 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 1 florists.

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