

Bouquets of blue roses Znamianka Druga

Order a bouquet of blue roses in Znamianka Druga. Only fresh roses and timely delivery.
11 cream roses in a package

11 cream roses in a package

The bouquet is made of 11 Peach Avalanche roses, 1 branch of gypsophila, greenery. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

1 244.00 грн

27 roses Memory Lane

27 roses Memory Lane

Delicate exquisite bouquet of 27 lilac-pink roses. Composition: lilac-pink roses Memory Lane (27 pcs), floral ribbon in pink and purple colors.

2 473.00 грн

21 blue rose

21 blue rose

A bouquet of blue roses. The bouquet includes: a rose painted in Mondial blue (21 pcs), tracing paper, ribbon.

3 539.00 грн

In Znamianka Druga for Courier delivery available 715 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 2 florists.

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