

Bouquets with chrysanthemums Bobrynets

Bouquets with chrysanthemums to Bobrynets with delivery. Timely delivery, only fresh flowers.
Chrysanthemum bouquet

Chrysanthemum bouquet

A bouquet of viconias from three chrysanthemum giloks of theBakardi variety. For decoration vikoristan kolrova plivka, ornamental greenery.

443.00 грн

Yellow chrysanthemums in a package

Yellow chrysanthemums in a package

Mini bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. The composition of the bouquet: yellow chrysanthemum (3 pieces), salal (1 branch), tracing paper, ribbon.

694.00 грн

White roses and chrysanthemums

White roses and chrysanthemums

A collective bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums. Made of: 5 white roses, 2 white chrysanthemum branches. Packed in kraft paper. Tied with a satin ribbon.

785.00 грн

Chrysanthemums and irises

Chrysanthemums and irises

Bouquet of branch chrysanthemums and blue irises. Includes 6 branches of a branch chrysanthemum and 3 pieces of blue irises. Packed in colored tracing paper. Tied with a satin ribbon.

805.00 грн

Chrysanthemums and branch roses

Chrysanthemums and branch roses

The bouquet is made of 4 branches of chrysanthemum, 3 branches of branch rose. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

849.00 грн

White and pink chrysanthemums

White and pink chrysanthemums

Bouquet with pink and white chrysanthemums. Bouquet includes: white chrysanthemum (4 branches), pink chrysanthemum (3 branches), caffeine, ribbon.

917.00 грн

Bouquet mix of chrysanthemum

Bouquet mix of chrysanthemum

Delicate bouquet mix of roses, alstroemeria and chrysanthemums. Composition: pink alstroemeria (5 branches), cream rose Talea (3 pcs), white daisy chrysanthemum (3 branches), floral pink ribbon.

992.00 грн

A bouquet of chrysanthemums and branched roses

A bouquet of chrysanthemums and branched roses

The bouquet is made of 5 branches of branched chrysanthemum, 4 branches of branched rose. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

1 048.00 грн

Roses, orchids and chrysanthemums

Roses, orchids and chrysanthemums

Gentle mix composition in pastel shades. The bouquet includes: pink rose (3 branches), white chrysanthemum (3 branches), white cymbidium orchid (5 pcs), caffeine, ribbon.

1 352.00 грн

A mix of roses and chrysanthemums

A mix of roses and chrysanthemums

The bouquet is made of 5 Miss Piggy roses, 2 Miss Bombastic branches, 3 branch chrysanthemum branches, 3 Silva Pink branches, greens. Packaging: kraft paper, satin ribbon.

1 499.00 грн

Red roses with white chrysanthemums

Red roses with white chrysanthemums

The bouquet is made of 9 red roses, 4 branch chrysanthemums, greens. Floral packaging, yellow-blue floral ribbon.

1 506.00 грн

Roses, hydrangea and chrysanthemum

Roses, hydrangea and chrysanthemum

Bouquet mix with pale pink hydrangea, roses and chrysanthemums. The bouquet includes: pink hydrangea (1 piece), lavender rose (6 pieces), white branched chrysanthemum (2 branches), asparagus (1 branch), eucalyptus (1 branch), paper, tracing paper, ribbon.

1 532.00 грн

A bouquet of lilies, roses and chrysanthemums

A bouquet of lilies, roses and chrysanthemums

Букет из лилии розы и хризантемы веточной. Выполнен из одной ветки лилии, 4 ветки хризантемы, 7 белых роз. В оформлении использована декоративная зелень. Упакован в кальку. Перевязан атласной лентой.

1 550.00 грн

A mix of roses and chrysanthemums

A mix of roses and chrysanthemums

Bouquet mix with chrysanthemums and roses. The bouquet includes: single yellow chrysanthemum (3 pcs), pink branched chrysanthemum (3 branches), white rose (5 pcs), pistachio (2 branches), salal (3 branches), tracing paper, ribbon.

1 550.00 грн

Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums

Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums

Sunny mix of roses and chrysanthemums. Composition: white-pink rose Jumilia (5 pcs), yellow Penny Lane rose (5 pcs), green chrysanthemum Owl Green (5 branches), yellow paper packaging, light green floral ribbon.

1 576.00 грн

Delicate white chrysanthemums

Delicate white chrysanthemums

The bouquet is made of 15 chrysanthemum branches, greens. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

1 720.00 грн

Lika collective bouquet

Lika collective bouquet

The bouquet is made of: 1 branch of gypsophila, 3 branched roses, 3 single-headed chrysanthemums, 5 alstroemeria, 4 red roses, floral aspidistra ribbon. Floral packaging, pink satin ribbon.

1 750.00 грн

Bouquet chrysanthemum rose eustoma

Bouquet chrysanthemum rose eustoma

Light mix of chrysanthemums, roses and eustoma. Composition: white chamomile chrysanthemum (4 branches), white rose Avalanche (5 pieces), white eustoma (6 branches), salal (5 pieces), floral white ribbon.

1 820.00 грн

Alstroemeria, roses and chrysanthemums

Alstroemeria, roses and chrysanthemums

The bouquet is made of 6 branches of alstroemeria, 4 branches of branched rose, 7 branches of branched chrysanthemum, greens. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

1 870.00 грн

Roses, chrysanthemums and alstroemeria

Roses, chrysanthemums and alstroemeria

The bouquet is assembled from 15 Miss Piggy, 5 branches of branch chrysanthemum, 5 branches of alstroemeria, greens. Packaging: tracing paper, satin ribbon.

2 280.00 грн

Flower Valley bouquet

Flower Valley bouquet

The bouquet is made of 3 cymbidium flowers, 1 branch rose, 4 purple eustomas, 3 white eustomas, 1 white branch chrysanthemum, 1 one-headed chrysanthemum, 5 branch green moss chrysanthemums, 2 alstroemeria, 5 pcs. lagurus, eucalyptus, pistachio. Pink and white tracing paper packaging, floral pink ribbon.

2 364.00 грн

A mix of chrysanthemum and eustoma roses

A mix of chrysanthemum and eustoma roses

A light bouquet mix with eustomas, roses and orchids. Bouquet includes: white chameatium (1 branch), White Ohara rose (3 pcs), pink orchid (3 pcs), white chrysanthemum branch (3 pcs), white branch rose (6 branches), pink eustoma (5 branches), eucalyptus . No packaging, just tape.

2 909.00 грн

Magnificent mix

Magnificent mix

Bright collective bouquet. Contains: 1 branch of lily, 15 branches of red rose, 3 branches of white chrysanthemum, 2 branches of red chrysanthemum, 4 branches of eustoma. Decorative greenery is used in the design. Packed in colored tracing paper. Tied with a satin ribbon.

2 980.00 грн

Mixed bouquet No. 203

Mixed bouquet No. 203

The bouquet is made of: branched rose, alstroemeria, branched chrysanthemum, single-headed rose. Contains: 9 branches of a pink branch rose, 9 pieces of roses of the Miss Piggy variety, 9 branches of chrysanthemums, 5 branches of alstroemeria. Packed in tracing paper according to color, tied with a satin ribbon.

3 290.00 грн

In Bobrynets for Courier delivery available 638 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 2 florists.

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