

Bouquets with carnations Donets

Bouquets with carnations in Donets with delivery. Daily update of the range of bouquets.
Bouquet of 9 cloves

Bouquet of 9 cloves

Bright bouquet of red carnations. Ingredients: red carnations (9 pcs.), Green floral ribbon.

400.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 white cloves

Bouquet of 11 white cloves

Delicate bouquet of crafted carnations. Composition: white one-bud carnations (11 pcs), Kraft paper packaging, white floral ribbon.

600.00 грн

Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and eustomas

Chrysanthemums, roses, carnations and eustomas

Soft pink bouquet with the addition of: 3 chrysanthemums, 4 branches of a bush rose, 5 dianthus, 3 eustomas, green eucalypts tracing paper design

1 490.00 грн



Composition of the bouquet: 3 chrysanthemum branches, 4 bush rose branches, 3 eustomas, 3 dianthus, eucalyptus greens, tracing paper packaging

1 520.00 грн

Raspberry Svitanok

Raspberry Svitanok

Bulk bouquet mix of 5 alstroemeria, 2 eustoma, 5 dianthus, 3 chrysanthemums, 5 trojans with eucalyptus finishing, decorated with tracing paper.

2 150.00 грн



Mixed bouquet of a mix of flowers with the addition of rose, dianthus, small-flowered rose (spray), alstroemeria, eustoma, statice and decorative greenery. Tracing paper and satin ribbon are used for decoration.

4 250.00 грн

In Donets for Courier delivery available 73 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 1 florists.

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