

Roses bouquets Pershotravensk

Delivery of bouquets of roses to Pershotravensk. Visit the full catalog to view the entire range of rose bouquets.
Bouquet of 9 red roses in a wrap

Bouquet of 9 red roses in a wrap

A bouquet of 9 red roses with a floral ribbon. Composition: Grand Prix red roses (9 pcs), packaging kraft paper and transparent tracing paper, sewing.

920.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 pink roses

Bouquet of 11 pink roses

Delicate bouquet of 11 pink roses with a floral ribbon. Composition: pink roses Aqua (11 pcs), pink floral ribbon.

1 040.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 red roses

Bouquet of 11 red roses

Bouquet of 11 red roses with a floral ribbon. Composition: red roses Grand Prix (11 pcs), red floral ribbon.

1 150.00 грн

Bouquet of 11 red roses

Bouquet of 11 red roses

Exquisite bouquet of 11 red roses and eucalyptus in craft. Composition: Grand Prix red roses (11 pcs), eucalyptus (3 branches), kraft paper packaging, sewing.

1 370.00 грн

Bouquet of 15 roses

Bouquet of 15 roses

Incredible bouquet of red roses. Ingredients: red rose Grand Prix (15 pcs.), Chikо ornamental greens, kraft paper packaging, red ribbon.

1 590.00 грн

19 white roses

19 white roses

Monobouquet of white roses. Bouquet includes: white rose (19 pcs), mint tracing paper, ribbon.

1 850.00 грн

A bouquet of 19 red roses

A bouquet of 19 red roses

A bouquet of 19 red roses. The bouquet includes: red Rhodes roses (19 pcs), burgundy tracing paper packaging, color ribbon.

2 050.00 грн

25 white roses

25 white roses

Monobouquet of white roses. The bouquet includes: a white rose (25 pcs), bow (M), light tracing paper, ribbon.

2 500.00 грн



Bouquet of 25 red Grand Prix roses decorated in tracing paper with the addition of aspedistra leaves. Used rose of the Grand Prix variety, 60 cm high.

2 850.00 грн

25 red roses

25 red roses

25 red roses of the Grand Prix variety (60 cm). Packaging: tracing paper and blue ribbon.

3 100.00 грн

25 white roses

25 white roses

Bouquet of 25 white roses Mondial in kraft packaging, tied with ribbon.

3 600.00 грн

35 red roses

35 red roses

Monobouquet of red roses. The bouquet includes: red Rhodes rose (35 pcs), tracing paper, ribbon.

3 800.00 грн

Bouquet of 51 red roses in a wrap

Bouquet of 51 red roses in a wrap

A voluminous bouquet of 51 red roses with a floral ribbon. Composition: red rose Grand Prix (51 pcs), red floral ribbon.

5 100.00 грн

In Pershotravensk for Courier delivery available 74 bouquets of flowers, flower arrangements and gifts from 1 florists.

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