

Flowers shop

Fresh flowers, professional florists, timely delivery. Choose a bouquet and order with delivery or pickup.

flowers delivery

Order flowers delivery in any city

greeting flowers

Congratulate the happy birthday or anniversary

flowers shop

Buy flowers online and pick up in the store

couple flowers

Declarate in love or invite to date

Popular cities

Review the relevant catalog of bouquets and flower arrangements for ordering in popular cities.

* Choose the address and of dlowers delivery in the top panel of the store.

Photo report of order in a personal cabinet

Address Book for quick flowers order

Loyalty program for regular customers

Real reviews from thousands of satisfied customers

Popular products

Not all products from this list can be available in your city.

Peony-like roses
Peony-like roses
Bouquets of flowers / Compliments
A bouquet of my dreams
A bouquet of my dreams
Bouquets of flowers / Bouquets mix
Bouquet of matiola and tulips
Bouquet of matiola and tulips
Bouquets of flowers / Compliments
Lavender tenderness
Lavender tenderness
Bouquets of flowers / Monobouquets
Orchids, carnations and roses
Orchids, carnations and roses
Flower compositions / Flowers in envelopes
Flower compositions / Flowers in boxes
Composition with chrysanthemum, rose and orchid
Composition with chrysanthemum, rose and orchid
Flower compositions / Flowers in bags
Multicolored branch roses in a box
Multicolored branch roses in a box
Flower compositions / Flowers in boxes

For customers

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Standards ff.ua

We have developed and support the only standards for maintenance and execution of orders. Check out the public agreement and work policies below.

Agreement and policies

For florists

Are you owning a flower shop? Love your business and are ready to please our customers with fresh flowers? Join other florists right now.

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Product catalog

The assortment depends on the chosen address

Customer cabinet

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The assortment depends on the chosen address